Holiday 2021: Gifts for Guys

Oct 28, 2021


Hello new holiday content! 

I know this probably seems wild but I have received so many requests to start sharing my holiday guides. I know shipping is on everyone’s mind this year and we have heard from so many people in the industry saying that it will likely be slow again this year. As with years past, my holiday content will be concise and curated. My goal is to share tried and true products our family loves in these guides! 

I am still planning on doing what I did last year and posting a question box on Instagram Stories asking specifically what you are still looking for and hopefully help by sharing feedback! If you have any other special requests feel free to send them through! 




This is a gift that is on both of our lists and would also be a great parent/in-law gift! If you haven’t heard of them, it is a deep tissue massager that sounds like such a great activity in the evening post workouts!


Yeti Colster

I feel like these are always included in every gift guide but Trevor really does get so much use out of it. He even takes it with us to friends houses 🙂 It’s another great idea for in-laws or parents that love a cold drink.


GE Opal Ice Maker

Ah, one of life’s great luxuries. Honestly, I said I would never spend this much money on an ice maker but as someone who professes their love for pebble ice often it’s such a treat! I love that it’s portable and we used it all summer plugged in outside with friends.


UGG Robe

This all depends on if your parents/in-laws/partner love cozy thing but honestly I wouldn’t peg my father into that category and I bought him an UGG robe a few years ago because he is so hard to shop for and he’s often wearing it when we FaceTime with the kids! 


Ember Mug

This is actually one of my favorite things but would be great for a guy in your life that loves coffee or tea! It’s a temperature regulating mug and keeps my coffee hot all morning which we all know is life changing. They also have a travel option that is currently on sale! 


Lululemon Joggers

I’ve shared these a few times but this is probably the best gift I have given Trevor in recent years. I initially was annoyed by the price but the quality is great and he wears them almost daily when he gets home from work.



Alice & Wonder if one of my favorite small female-owned business and they make the cutest beanies! I have these for everyone in our family and they are so warm and cozy. Would make a great stock stoffer! 


Nike Sneakers

Trevor bought these a couple years ago when I bought mine and he reaches for them most often. They run TTS and his honestly still look brand new! 


Barbour Jacket

A definite investment but one that he gets a lot of use out of. It’s surprisingly very warm and easy for guys to layer underneath and over. I think it always looks pulled together when he wears it and love the wax texture! I find it ran TTS but would size up if your guy is in between! 


Air Pods Pro

If someone in your life listens to podcasts, goes on runs or uses headphones for anything these are a great ideas! The original Air Pods never fit Trevor’s ears but he has no problem with these and loves the noise cancelling feature. 



Hope this helps inspire some new ideas and have a wonderful weekend!






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