The Best of Amazon Prime Day

Jul 15, 2019

best of amazon prime day

Outfit details here – my Yeti cup is one of my favorite Amazon buys and I will be watching them today!


Good morning from my in laws! 

We road tripped yesterday to see our new baby niece Hudson and spend a few days with my in laws, brother and sister in law and niece and nephew. Zain and his cousin Baylor are only 10 days apart and love each other so much so whenever we can get them together it makes my heart happy. 

With all the NSale buzz and our travel, I almost forgot about Amazon Prime Day! It was one of my best shopping days last year since I snagged our blender and Instant Pot. This year I was totally focused on the cordless vacuum, which most of you probably saw us discussing on Instagram so I was pumped to grab it this morning. It’s a hard day to preview because so many things go on flash sale at different times but I am going to try to keep an eye out and share in real time over on Instagram stories! 

A few that really stand out are our Bose wireless headphones that Trevor and I could not live without, the amazing deals on Adidas products, the velvet hangers I use in my closet and some cast iron pots. The prime day pots aren’t identical to mine but I get asked about ours so often I thought some of you may be interested in trying these since they are such a great deal! I just saw that an almost identical play kitchen to ours (same brand) is on sale for $73 too!



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I thought I would also include my Amazon Favorites posts below since they are usually helpful in case any of you need to reference it! 


May Amazon Favorites


April Amazon Favorites


March April Favorites



Hope this helps and happy Prime Day! 

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