Why I Started Meditating

Dec 22, 2016

best meditation apps


Meditation was a bit of a foreign idea to me just last year. I always heard friends talking about it and my yoga teachers always encouraged it, but I never considered it applicable to me. It may be because I am a highly anxious person and the thought of trying to carve out empty space in my mind seems near impossible. 

Over the past year, I realized that just for that reason I needed to give it a try. I am constantly worried by little things that really have no significance and often have a hard time disconnecting and really relaxing my mind and body. A lot of time, Trevor helps with that. When I am around my husband, I worry far less – he’s so relaxed and easy going it must rub off and I can really unwind. Sadly, this year while he is in fellowship I see very little of him. He is usually gone by 5am and home anywhere from 8pm to midnight. 

With my anxiousness not allowing me to really relax after work I would find myself tired all the time. I decided to download the Headspace app and try this meditation thing out! I wish I could say I was able to get to it everyday but I can not tell you how much I have enjoyed it. It takes just 10 minutes and really allows me to focus on myself, disconnect and evaluate. 

The Headspace app really helped guide me a lot. There are a ton of different options but I love Andy’s voice and it’s the guidance I need. It keeps me focused on the goal and makes it easier to resist my mind wandering off. More so than if I tried it on my own! If you are on the fence about trying it, I totally reccomend downloading the app. It’s free for the first week and then so affordable after that. 

I also recently snagged these Chakra sprays from Aveda and I am obsessed. Even if I don’t get time to meditate before bed I have been using them. It’s the little things in life, right? 

Do you guys enjoy meditation? If so, how has your experience been? 


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  1. Fortuitous Foodies says:

    Fantastic post! I have been trying to get into meditation and find it difficult to know where to begin so now I am downloading the headspace app. Also, AVEDA is the best and I’ve been meaning to finally purchase a chakra spray!

    Thanks for the motivation!
