The Throw Pillow Debate

Jan 28, 2016

Does anyone else have the epic throw pillow debate in their home? Trevor loathes them and gets annoyed moving them around and out of his way. I love them and want new ones for our bed and couch! We are doing a bit of a makeover on our furniture since I had pieces hanging around I purchased when I moved to the city 5 years ago that I have just outgrown.

As we clear out old stuff (thanks Craigslist) and bring in new pieces I am trying to stick to items I know we will keep for the long haul and move into a real home when that day comes (please come soon) I decided on a new rug and artwork for the living room and can’t wait to share them with you guys but I need some help with this pillow situation!

Do you invest in yours? How often do you think you switch them out? I think I am leaning towards mostly neutral tones and throwing in some fun color for both our living & bedroom. I picked a few of my favorites below and I would love to hear what you think! Help please!

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  1. Nidhi says:

    Literally have this conversation every other day! I love pillows and James, the pillow police, has threatened to throw away 75% of them multiple times! I love the neutral colors here, your picks are great!

    An Unblurred Lady

  2. Annie Abbey says:

    When my husband and I first got married we bought a pillow from Ikea shaped like a pug riding a skateboard. I thought it was the funniest thing I have ever seen and it is still probably my favorite thing in our house! Throw pillows really make a room!
    xx Annie

  3. Kaitlyn says:

    We have the same conversations! I think we can just conclude that all men despise throw pillows (and most other frilly home decor items that women obsess over) It’s just nice to know we have each other in these debates 😉 Love the options you shared in the post, the diamond style from Urban is my favorite!

  4. Maggie says:

    Throw pillows are my weakness! I love everything about them 🙂

  5. Elena Alina says:

    Throw pillows are awesome! white is my weakness, I love the white one you chose 🙂