10 Things I Love Right Now

Feb 25, 2021

Good morning! 

These ‘Things I Love‘ posts have quickly become my favorite. It’s so nice to round up articles I find interesting, books I’ve been reading and so forth. I hope they prove helpful to you all and always feel free to leave anything that has been bringing you joy in the comments for everyone to enjoy.


The Daily 

My go-to podcast for concise, helpful information recently had an episode on Coronavirus and Kids. I found it incredibly insightful and although it wasn’t necessarily the forecast I was hoping for, I was happy to hear some information since my children are younger than those in trials right now. 



How To Help In Texas

If you have been following the news you have likely seen the chaos and turmoil unfolding in Texas. We have been reaching out to our friends there trying to find ways to help. If you are able to help in any way I linked a great NY Times article with some wonderful organizations and details on how they are helping! 



Pela Grip

I have been getting a lot of questions on this phone grip and I have to say, it has made my life much easier. I ordered this collapsible grip a few months ago and placed it on the back of my phone case. It works to prop your phone up and can also slide down so your phone can lay flat. I am able to still use my wireless charger and bonus it is 100% compostable and biodegradable! 



Two Words To Say To Your Child

Man, this piece from Cup of Joe hit home. I always tell Trevor how guilty I feel if I lose my temper with Zain. I will try to talk to him at a later time and let him know I’m sorry and how I could have handled my emotions in a different way but this was such a refreshing perspective. We are truly all doing our best!



Ritual Vitamins

I shared on stories that I had started taking Ritual Vitamins recently after seeing so many friends rave about it. Admittedly, I was taking gummy vitamins prior (ever since I stopped my Prenatal) because I could not handle the taste. They usually make me nauseous in general and the aftertaste is rough. Well, you guys had the same feedback I did thus far which is that these are a game changer. No bitter taste, clean ingredients and don’t irritate my stomach! They also send over a code (LUXE) I could share for 10% off their first 3 months subscription. 



The Midnight Library

I am currently reading this book and can already highly recommend it! It’s one of my favorite reads this year and I am dying to stay awake long enough to finish tonight. A few of you have messaged me that I to start a Goodreads account so I am working on that but in the meantime I have a highlight on Instagram and several book reviews on the blog! 



Candle Snuffer & Wick Trimmer Set 

My neighbor gifted this to me over the holidays and I have come to love it so much! I guess I didn’t realize how important it was to trim my candle wicks and considering we have one burning almost every night, I love this under $20 set!



I Care A Lot 

Have you all watched this new Netflix movie? I have to admit I love Rosamund Pike so I knew I would be into this movie but we thought it was really good. It’s based on a true story and follows a crooked legal guardian who drains the savings of her elderly wards.



Almond Shower Oil

This continues to be a highlight of showers this winter. We have been using this for years and one of you recently shared this insane QVC deal so I jumped on it. You almost don’t have to use lotion after you shower with this stuff! 



Tie Dye Tank

This Lululemon workout top is my favorite cut they make and it’s currently on sale in two very pretty color combos. I go with my true size in these and love the open arms and longer length! 




Hope you are all surviving the week and cheers to the weekend being oh so close. 

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  1. Stacy S. says:

    Joanna always has just great parenting advice! I went on a deep dive on all the other parenting articles the other day after reading Two Words to say to Your Child. Cup of Jo opened my eyes to the “Aim for Yes” parenting style.