Staying On Track During The Third Trimester

May 31, 2017

pregnancy diet

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I would be lying if I said it was easy to wake up with an extra 30 pounds on your body, swollen feet and feeling puffy in general and stick to your healthy eating plan for the day. Although, I try my hardest to stick to clean eats during the week it’s easy to get off track. I think the most important thing is to remember that’s okay and make little changes when you can to get back on track. 

Last week when I was taking a stroll on the 606 with Jess, we were talking about how it’s always all or nothing with us. I have the type of personality that makes it hard to balance working out and eating healthy with the opposite. If I find myself falling off the wagon, it tends to turn into a viscous cycle and I’ll find myself 5 days later and 10 cheeseburgers in feeling guilty about it all. I also tend to crave more unhealthy things when I’ve already let myself indulge, so it’s hard to stop. 

With pregnancy, it’s been important for me to not worry and beat myself up over these missteps. Although I love to keep up my workouts and eat healthy for my baby, I also love being human and enjoying food. I think it has been a great lesson for me to learn over these nine months, to be kind to myself and when I found myself in a slump to remember it wasn’t the end of the world and get back at it the next day. 

I thought I would share what has worked for me! Find accountability friends. Blair is one of my best friends and a amazing cook. We both have a weakness for doughnuts and the chocolate chip cookies with sea salt from Soho House (if you haven’t had them you aren’t living life) so it’s nice to be able to chat with someone when you’ve gone too far into the sweet jar and share your goals for the next day and then stick to them. Working out has also helped a ton! Whenever I found myself struggling, I tried to make it to a workout class the next morning and that would instantly help kickstart me back in the right direction. 


What little changes to you guys try to make to get back on track? 


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healthy pregnancy diet

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