Hi friends and hello Thursday!
Honestly, the weeks seem to be flying by at this point weirdly and I can’t believe how close my delivery date is. I think everyone is in survival mode and with no real plans for the future it somehow makes the days go quicker. Well, that and my toddler taking up all my time
Today’s post is one I’ve been asked about a lot lately and wanted to get all my thoughts down in one place! I had touched on how we felt about our Peloton briefly here but know there is a lot more to it and also wanted to share the mat classes most recommended.
So, a bit of backstory. Trevor and I had been discussing getting a Peloton for several months before we did. I took a poll on Instagram probably 6 months ago and the feedback from you all was overwhelmingly positive. I think out of the 200 or so responses I got there were only 1 or 2 mediocre ones. We hadn’t pulled the trigger right away because they are quite a bit of an investment and I was still enjoying my classes at the gym.
Flash forward a few weeks and the Covid-19 details started to creep out. Trevor and I were set to leave for our babymoon in Palm Springs and I started to get a little uneasy. Everything was still fairly new and although several OB’s cleared me for travel and friends were still flying, I am a worrier and just couldn’t go through with it. At the time I remember feeling overdramatic but I knew I wouldn’t enjoy myself and felt relieved to get it all cancelled. Boy, am I glad I did.
After we decided to cancel and thankfully got all of our deposits back we thought we would put that money towards the bike since we had already set it aside for a vacation. We must have ordered it at the right time because it arrived just two days later.
So, I figured I would run through the FAQ’s I’ve received and if you are curious about anything else just send the questions my way!
What is your username?
How often do you use it?
1-2 times per week!
If Zain was still in school and I was working I would probably be getting on it 3-4 times a week. Since we are home together I often take 3-4 mile walks with Zain through the park when it’s nice out and use that as my exercise for the day.
Would you recommend?
In short, YES! I think it is well worth it and that is coming from someone who is picky about spin classes. For reference, I am a Flywheel girl. I was a loyal rider at their studio in Chicago and do not enjoy the Soul Cycle type of ride as much. This may mean nothing to you but it’s the best way to share my spin background
Do you need spin shoes? Which do you have?
You do! Some places have the option to just slide your sneakers in but these pedals are not that. You will clip into the bike and therefore need cycling shoes. I chose the Peloton shoes since I was using a friends referral code and that basically made them free! There are other brands that are compatible with the bike like this pair and this pair. They were great about the shipping and replacement when I had an issue. They run TTS and I took my normal shoe size.
What is your referral code?
It should give you $100 off any accessories which I used to purchase the shoes!
Do you like it more than studio classes?
Nothing will ever replace an in person studio class for me. I am someone who loves to workout with other people! My workout instructor from the gym and I talk constantly and I became friends with all the ladies in my usual classes. I very much miss that aspect but the reason I was intrigued by this before the Covid-19 pandemic is because I needed something convenient!
Getting to the gym for an hour plus the trip back and forth isn’t always easy and I knew once I had another baby it would be even more difficult. The bike is so convenient and will be easy for me to jump on right before I shower for work whenever we get back to all of that.
Does it hurt?
If you have never taken a spin class or cycled I think the first few times may make your bum sore. I think I got used to it pretty quick back when I was spinning regularly and this bike hasn’t bothered me. They do sell bike seats with extra cushion if you need it!
How much does it cost?
They have several packages that have accessories included but we opted for the basic package which is just the bike, a 1 year warranty and home delivery. That lower package is $2245 and they go up from there. I didn’t feel like I needed the other things!
You can put any yoga mat underneath it, use your own weights and headphones if needed. The only thing I added which I mentioned above was the shoes.
Do you like the app?
I do! I like that it’s connected to my bike and I can browse new classes, what my friends have taken and liked and have the option for mat classes. The first few mat classes I took weren’t my favorite so I asked you all on Instagram and wanted to share the responses:
Bodyweight Strength with Olivia
Dance Cardio with Cody
Yoga Class with Kristin
Core Class with Cody
20 min HIIT with Jess Sims
Yoga with Aditi
15 min HIIT with Kendall
Lots of people recommended the 20-30 minute full body classes in general so I am going to try those out and report back!
Hope this was helpful and you are all staying healthy doing well!