Shopbop Sale

Nov 23, 2016

shopbop winter sale

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There are some sales I look forward to all year, and this winter Shopbop sale is one of them. Shopbop is one of my favorite online sites to shop for a few reasons, their shipping is next day usually since they use Amazon Prime (genius!) and although they carry pricier brands they also carry some of favorite affordable ones. 

BB Dakota, Moon River and WAYF are just a few and ones I hadn’t discovered till I started searching on Shopbop. The sale is a great time to stock up on some winter favorites and the more you spend, the more you save. 


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I rounded up some winter basics since I tend to like to stock up on classics during these sales and a few fun accessories too! Free returns also make it a breeze for me to try a few different sizes in new brands if I need to, which I love. 

Make sure you snag whatever you like when you see it because items tend to sell out so quick during these Shopbop sales. If you miss something, check back over the next few days they will usually restock once or twice. The sale runs till November 28 so you have a bit of time! 

Make sure you use code GOBIG16 at checkout to save 15% off order of $200+, 20% off $500+ and 25% off $800! What picks are you guys loving? Anything you need to stock up on? 


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  1. Anika May says:

    Loving the sale items! Great post.

    Anika |