The Best Books You Read During Quarantine

May 26, 2020


Good morning and welcome to week 11 of quarantine?

Some of our retail stores, salons and so on are slowly opening this week with modified protocols and schedules so it feels a little different in Louisville. It’s so interesting to chat with so many of you all over the country and hear just how different it is everywhere. Some cities are still on a complete lockdown and some are almost completely open. I hope we are seeing some progress across the board!

As for this morning’s post it’s one I had asked you all about a few weeks ago when I finished What Alice Forgot. I was trying to decide what to read next and thought it would be fun to take a poll and see what has been the best thing you all have read! I love reading and quarantine has forced me to do it every day. I’ve found logging off my computer and phone by 8:30pm is crucial for my sanity and reading before bed always gives me the best night’s sleep. Pregnancy insomnia is brutal especially when I don’t sleep great to begin with and reading has really helped so much. 

I have been ordering most of my books locally from Carmichael’s and it’s been easy and seamless. They have curbside pick up and it’s great to support a small business if you can! If not, Amazon and Walmart are usually my go to. I have a Book List in my Amazon storefront where you can find everything I’ve read recently and what you all recommended! 

I rounded up everything you all sent in below and have read quite a few of these myself so can attest they are good. If you want to check out some of my previous book reviews you can do that here and I try to save everything to my ‘Books’ highlight over on Instagram too! 



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I’ve also been getting a lot of questions about what I do with books after I read them! I wish I was more of an e-reader but I loved reading a book in my hand. We do audiobooks when we drive a lot but when I’m at home I love an old fashioned book. Luckily, our house has a million built ins so I am still using them to decorate. Once I fill my shelves I will start to donate them!



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