Well, the days are dwindling down and I can’t believe it’s time to pack a hospital bag. I’m officially 37 weeks pregnant this week and the time has definitely come. Since it’s my first time, I’m mostly going off what friends and family have told me but would love to hear your thoughts and anything you packed that was a life saver! One of the craziest things to think about is that I have no idea when this is happening. I mean sure, we have a due date but according to most things I’ve read and my doctor that doesn’t really mean a ton.
Will I go into labor on my own? Will I need to be induced? How pregnant will they let me get? What if I need a C Section?
So many unknowns and that’s the most unsettling. I think packing a hospital bag, installing the car seat and having the nursery ready have all made me feel like I have some control over the situation but deep down I know that’s not true. I’m trying to keep the bag light because once I start walking around the house picking up things I feel like it is going to get out of control quickly.
So, here’s what I’ve got packed in there currently:
A Camera
We still haven’t scheduled newborn photos or hospital photos and don’t think we will. Hoping we can get some of our own shots in the hospital and that the photographer that comes around captures a few we like. If this a bad idea?
I’ve heard it can be quite noisy and busy in the room and knowing my husband, he can sleep anywhere. I’m hoping listening to some music will distract me if I need it.
Nursing Bra & Nursing Tank
I picked a few out and was happy to discover this bra and tank were extra comfy.
I over shower and realize that probably won’t be an option in the hospital so I made sure to pack my toiletries that will make me feel a bit more normal. Anyone else addicted to lip balm?
Going Home Outfit and Muslin
I packed two outfits for baby boy depending on size and a muslin for photos in case we need it.
I packed a front button set of stretchy pajamas and a thin robe for after delivery so it will be easy to get in and out of for all the monitoring and visitors.
My feet are always cold so these are definitely coming with me. Also, they just make me feel better!
An extra bag to take “hospital souvenirs” home in
Everyone has told me to stock up on everything the hospital has to offer to help get me through post delivery life at home. I plan on bringing an extra bag just for those goodies!
What other things did you do to prepare? I feel like I will definitely forget stuff and my friends telling me about their experiences has honestly helped the most!
My favorite summer pajamas I’ve just been stretching right over the big bump!
I live in these and my Ugg slip ons. I figured full coverage would be better for the hospital.
An easy and affordable cotton robe? Yes please!
Basic nursing tank from my favorite maternity brand.
I had so many people reccomend this brand and will let you know what I think in a few months time.
Will this distract me from contractions when they start? Hmmm.
I’m still hunting for the perfect coming home outfit for him. As much as I know it doesn’t really matter, it’s our first baby and we waited a long time for him so I want to keep whatever we choose forever.
I haven’t quite decided which pattern we’re taking but this brand is a favorite!
The perfect weekend bag!
37 weeks? Wow! I feel like it’s rude to say that it went by fast, because I’m sure things are really slowing down for you know, and you probably feel like you’ve been pregnant forever- but man! I can’t believe you’ll be meeting your little guy soon! These are all things I’ve been told are good to pack. I’ve also been told that snacks for dad are a must. He may be hungry but not want to walk to the cafeteria or leave for food. Also, since you probably won’t be able to eat, and you never know how long labor will be, I’ve heard that Jolly Ranchers are a good idea. You can only consume “clear liquid” diet foods, and having something to suck on helps with dry mouth and can help stave off hunger a bit. Those were a few tips I’ve tucked in the back of my mind for future use.
Hahaha, no it flew by for me too! Although the end does start to feel like forever. The snacks are a good idea although I never packed any. Luckily, we had grandparents on hand that went and got everything for us! The liquid diet is no joke and I will be okay if I never see another cup of chicken broth!
Haha! Glad you had family to bring in the snacks, and the liquid diet is over now!
I don’t even like broth, so I’ll probably starve if I have a long labor!
Hahah, me too! Oh my gosh get the popsicles then – those were tasty
I’d love an update on this to see what you used/didn’t use/wish you had now that Zain’s here!
Sorry for the delay but I actually didn’t really want/need anything else except a super long phone cord! We had ordered one since you are hanging around the hospital for a while but since he came so early it hadn’t arrived yet. I’m so glad I took my own shampoo and body wash and make sure you take all the ‘souvenirs’ – they will get you through that first month home!