How I Am Trying To Dedicate Alone Time To My Toddler

Feb 10, 2021


Good morning! 

I had asked everyone on Instagram for their thoughts on carving out alone time for your oldest child when you have a new baby because I have been struggling to find the space. It was so nice to hear from so many of you and you all had some great ideas!

In previous times, Trevor and I would take Zain out for a breakfast date or to try out a new activity along so we could each have one on one time with him. Now that we’ve been home for almost a year and added our sweet Zahra to the mix, I wanted to make sure I was still dedicating that special time to him. 

He’s at a pretty independant age so I don’t have to help him with a lot of tasks day to day and often times find myself having to focus on Zahra and asking him to play independently. She also loves to be with him so whatever he is interested in often becomes a group activity which will be limited by the kinds of toys she can play with. 

We did get him a new LEGO set from Target for Christmas and it was a bit more advanced than he had previously tried and he loved it! We set it up on our playroom table in his room so that the pieces were out of Zahra’s reach. He would then start requesting LEGO set building time upstairs and I loved making this time special just for us. 

LEGO sets are such an amazing toy that have been around since 1958 and everyone in our house loves to use them. I just recently found out that the name ‘LEGO’ is an abbreviation of the two Danish words “leg godt”, meaning “play well”. They were founded in 1932 by Ole Kirk Kristiansen and the company has passed from father to son and is now owned by Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen, a grandchild of the founder which is so cool! They allow Zain to be creative and really expand his imagination while building. 

We recently picked up 2 new sets from Target to tackle and have been loving them. Zain picked out both for Valentine’s Day and could not have been more excited! We went with LEGO Friends Heartlake City Movie Theatre Set and LEGO NINJAGO Legacy Overlord Dragon Playset (you can see the entire collection here) and wholeheartedly recommend them. 


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