Why You Should Always Make Time For Yourself

Oct 27, 2016

How often do you make time for yourself? I am guessing most of you, including myself would respond with ‘not much’ or ‘never’. With our everyday lives getting so busy and people planning their days within minutes, it often seems like we never take time  to relax and care for ourselves.

aveeno body yogurt

With the winter months rolling in so much of my ‘me time’ is spent on beauty and skin care. Whether is be a hair treatment, face mask or lotion session after a bath – those things make me feel pampered and spoiled, without breaking the bank. I also feel more refreshed and my skin and body thank me for it. 

No matter the season, I am a lotion addict. I know I have talked about it before, but my skin dries out so easily and the feeling of dry hands will literally make my cringe with goosebumps. Not only do I lotion after every shower or bath, I carry hand lotion to work usually lather up again before before. 

Whether you love lotion or not, taking care of your skin can allow you to feel indulged and boost the vitamins and proteins in your skin while locking in moisture. I’ve started using the Aveeno® Daily Moisturizing Body Yogurt Collection since it has Active Naturals® and actually leaves my skin feeing moisturized without any residue. In addition to including the essential vitamins, lactose and proteins in the yogurt blend the Body Wash doesn’t dry my skin out like so many others I’ve tried, which is helpful during the Chicago winter. The new scents also don’t hurt – apricot and honey and vanilla and oat, yes please! 

Have you guys tried the new line? I can’t reccomend it enough, especially for those with easily dried out skin. Make sure to take a little time for yourself soon – enjoy a long bath, put in a hair mask and lather on the Aveeno® Body Yogurt, I promise you will feel rejuvenated! 

What do you guys do to relax? Reading in bed, listening to some music and having a cup of tea are my current favorites. Disconnecting from everything and really relaxing has become a priority for me and had really helped with my everyday anxiety. 


aveeno body yogurt

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floral bath robe

aveeno body yogurt

aveeno body yogurt

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This post was sponsored by Aveeno® As always, all opinions are my own and thank you for supporting brands that make Lows to Luxe possible! 

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  1. Sarah Lindner says:

    I never take time for myself! It is such a struggle! I do love aveno lotion! With the fall change in weather my skin def needs it!
    Sarah Lindner

  2. I love Aveeno but haven’t tried the body yogurt yet. It sounds so good! And I am so bad about not taking time for myself too!

  3. Lauren Nolan says:

    Isn’t this stuff magic?! I already know it’s going to save my skin this winter!
    Lauren | http://www.lakeshorelady.com/

  4. Maggie says:

    Aveeno is absolutely the best! And I’m all about a little me time 🙂


  5. Ruthie Ridley says:

    I have heard nothing but great things about this stuff!! I need to invest as we enter the colder months! Loved the post! Cute robe!

  6. Taking time for yourself is so important and I know I don’t do it enough, time to make it happen more often!

  7. Aveeno is the best!! I also love that decor above your bed!!! I almost just got one!

  8. Emily Fogarty says:

    Taking time for yourself is super important! And what better way than with Aveeno!

    xox E

  9. Kasey says:

    I totally agree we all need more time for ourselves, I definitely leave it out most days. I need a lotion/face mask/nail polish break!

  10. Steph K says:

    I love your rope & totally agree with making more time for ourselves!

    xO – Steph


  11. Mollie Sheperdson says:

    So glad to hear I’m not the only one who lathers on the lotion after every shower! My BF looks at me like I’m crazy lol, he HATES lotion. This new Aveeno line sounds amazing, I need to check my local drugstores for it!

    xx Mollie

  12. Dawn Princess Darnell says:

    I am a lotion addict too! Morning and before I sleep! I hate feeling ashy lol!

  13. Alicia Chew says:

    Love this post! Weirdly enough, putting on lotion seems to be the most relaxing part of my day, and I absolutely love it!

    xo, Alicia | Alicia Tenise